Monday 28 December 2009


Anna Lidster- Woolf

In your opinion, what age do you think this magazine attracts?
I think the magazine attracts ages from 17 to about 25.
Are the pictures well photographed?
I really like the pictures, the main front cover picture is really good, and i also like the photographs of the young girl.
What fans do you think this attracts?
I think the genre is more of a poppy, base perhaps even r & b range of people.
Does the front page make you want to buy the magazine?
I love the front page, i think it is the main attraction and it would definately make me want to buy it!
Does the magazine seem realistic?
I think the front page and contents page are really well done, however the double page doesn't particularly match, although i like it. 

Imogen Leaver 

In your opinion, what age do you think this magazine attracts?
I think it ranges between 15 to perhaps 22 
Are the pictures well photographed?  
The picture of the younger girl on the double page spread is my favourite, i like all the photographs. 
What genre of fans do you think it attracts?    
Slightly techno, abit of R&b and maybe focusing on DJ's because of the front cover.  
Does the front page make you want to buy the magazine?
I really like the colours on the front page, and the way the lights are shone, it looks effective.   
Does the magazine look realistic?

Lucy Duncan

In your opinion, what age do you think this magazine attracts?
Teenagers and younger adults.
Are the pictures well photographed?  
The pictures are taken very well, they all look very proffessional.
What genre of fans do you think it attracts?    
I think it attracts males and females of slight pop and r&b.
Does the front page make you want to buy the magazine? 
The cheap price of £2, and the small amount of imformation on the front intrigues you to what is inside, making you want to buy the magazine.  
Does the magazine look realistic?
The magazine looks like a real one, very well presented.
    Yasmin Aworer
 In your opinion, what age do you think this magazine attracts?
Are the pictures well photographed?  
The pictures look very real, and you can tell alot of effect has been put into taking them.
What genre of fans do you think it attracts?   
Club classics and r & b. 
Does the front page make you want to buy the magazine?  
Yes, i love the front cover!!!
Does the magazine look realistic?
The pictures make the magazine look the most realistic, and the contents page is laid out well as would a realistic magazine.

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